Sunday 1 November 2015

Ryan Jay Project 1

The focus of my video was viewing the Arch of the Law Quad as a link between two the separated areas of the Law Quad and the outer streets surrounding it.The space acts almost as a portal between the different areas, a bond that connects the tranquility and quiet interaction of the quad to the more active nature of the streets. As one passes through this space in either direction, the nature of their surroundings change drastically as they begin the enter a new environment. In order to capture this role of my selected space I wanted to film the surrounding areas and the relation of them to the arch at different times of day on different days, showing how this space changes over time.

Once I began filming, I emphasized the use of different shots that would fulfill one of two objectives; either showing the arch within its surroundings as an open space, or framing the view of the exteriors from within the inside of the arch. The shots of the arch within its surroundings emphasize its role as a transitional space between two divided areas. While, the shots filmed from the inside of the arch accomplish two objectives. First, they replicate the view one experiences as they travel through the space. Second, they frame the outside environments and how they change as the individual travels through the space from one exterior area to the next.

After filming, I arranged the shots in an order that would be representative of one walking    through the arch from the streets to the quad and back. Through this order, one can accurately understand the way this space functions between these two areas and how this relationship changes throughout the day in terms of lighting, human activity, and sound. I believe that by shooting and arranging the film in this manner, I have accurately captured how the role of this space changes through time and how time affects the experience of an individual that travels though it.

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