Sunday 22 November 2015

Detail Response

Type: Expressive
Scale: Element

This detail I have chosen to discuss is above in the hall above Mosher-Jordan's dining hall on the Hill. The detail of the window and the window arch was kept from the original building before the extension to the dining hall was created. The detail works as this intervention between the entrance to extension building and original building. This gives recognition to the old building while simultaneously showing that there was an additional piece of the building that was added but that the building is still one entire building, that is why the detail works so well in terms of its placement within the structure. The detail is very expressive because in its design, being a window between two different parts of a building rather than being a window between the inside of the building and the outside world, as most windows serve to be. The scale of this detail is elemental because it is a very standard sized window, however within its placement, it looks to quite large. The placement of the windows and its arches make the space itself seem much more spacious and modern than it actually is because MoJo was built in the 1930's. 

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