Sunday 1 November 2015

Project #1 - Final Version

I took the video of the Nickel Arcade at between Maynard Street and South State Street. I got interested in the Nickel Arcade because I come and go through it every day, and an arcade came to me as very differently with other types of architectures. In addition, I could connect the definition of architecture and the Nickel Arcade because it is designed in artistic way—as depicted in my video—and it is functioning as a tiny shopping mall and a pathway from S. State St. through Maynard S. The way of its light use is impressive. In daytime, sunlight comes through its glass ceiling, and after sunset, the artificial lights in the arcade warmly light up the place. Many people pass through the arcade and use the shops in it, and those people make the air of the place full of energy. I am attracted by the architecture—the Nickel Arcade—because of the harmony of its functions and artistic features. Hence, I tried to project those artistic features and functions in my video.
             To do so, I used tripod to shoot the video for long time—about hour and an half at around sunset time—and made its play-speed superfast so we can see how it changes as time goes through: use of light and people come and go through. In addition, as GSI Isaac’s advice, I tried to add some details of the place; I added some small clips that depict some details—ornaments, brick wall, windowsill of a store, and etc.—at the edge. Since my video is modified on its play speed, it does not have natural sound, so I put some music as a final step of editing—the first draft which was mute video was really boring.
             While doing this project, I could practically deal with concepts of architecture I learned in the class. From basic definition of architecture—art and function—through domain and use of space, I could actually feel what those I learned in class actually are. Moreover, I had really fun with this project. 

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