Friday 30 October 2015

Final Video-Hayden Robbins

The idea behind my video is the separation of spaces between the gates and the main stage that is the field. When people attend an event at The Big House, most people make their way through the space as fast as they can to get inside to watch the game. My goal was to show the layers of space that encompass the stadium. Anyone can go in the stadium on game day, but when it’s all closed off, the space that seems so crowded and clustered on football Saturdays, opens up into an organized piece of space set up to disperse people. With that being said, the fact that it was closed also limited the video angles I could get. Every video I took all angled toward the northern most point of the stadium to try and show different perspectives of this same space. I think it’s important to point out the atmosphere of the stadium during the “boring” days. It is one extreme to another. On a game day, people know how hectic it can get around the stadium. This video shows just how ghostly the atmosphere can seem on just an average day of the week. I tried to show the layers of separation at each northern entrance and I hope my video accurately expressed the organization of the different entrances and how as you move through the space it guides you into the tunnels that ultimately lead you to the bleachers.
Ever since I was old enough to understand what football was, I have been a Michigan football fan. This stadium is an icon to the University and even the world. I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to evaluate the Stadium at moments that it isn’t famous for.

 A factor that was not included in the video is how often I witness people taking pictures in front of the stadium. I am guilty of taking this piece of architecture for granted nowadays, but I witness people from all over the place come and take a picture with The Big House because of how special it is to them. 

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Project 1 Draft Clip

Here is the link to the draft video:

First draft 60s video

Youtube link
Kerrytown courtyard

Project 1 Draft
Project 1 draft

Rough Draft--the diag

The Law Quad Entrance Rough Draft

Project 1 Draft

project one draft: walgreen drama center

an investigation in public seating options in the walgreen drama center

Project #1 Draft

Project #1 - Draft

60 sec video draft

Project#1 first draft

60 Second Draft

 Project 1 Preview

Project 1 Preview

Project 1: 60 Second Draft

Saturday 17 October 2015

Response 2- Part 2

(1) The Nickel Arcade, which is located at the west side of central campus. Near the Walgreen's, and it is from S. State St. to Maynard St.

(2) Many aspects of the arcade attracted me. First of all, it is on the way back home for me; I had so many chances to see the place. The use of sunlight in daytime--sunlight comes into the space through glass ceiling--and its function as a market place were very interesting for me. In addition, the large number of floating population passes the arcade was also interesting.

(3) I will use tripod to shoot the video in the arcade. Time-frame will be from around 1 hour before sunsets to 30 minutes after sunset because I want to show how the lighting changes from using sunlight to artificial lighting. In about 1.5 hours to 2 hours, people come and go through the arcade so the video will show how large number of people go through it, and through people visit stores in the arcade, the commercial function also can be expressed in the video. About editing the video, to show the changes in the place as time goes through, I will just make the video plays rapidly. (Maybe the sunset time would be little slower than other parts.)

Monday 12 October 2015

Response 2 Pt 2

This is the lawn outside of the U of M Hospital, on the corner of Ann St. and Zina Pitcher.  There are intersecting paths throughout this area in front of the hospital.

I selected this space because I found it interesting how something that looks like it should be in a leisurely place like the diag. This pattern looks as if there is time for someone to walk these different paths to see where they lead, but instead it is in front of somewhere where people usually expect more organization and where time would seem to be crucial.

I plan to shoot this lawn at different times of the day. Since this looks like a place where leisure would be expected I hope to capture the essence of that, but at the same time capture how the hospital is also one of the busiest places on campus.

Response 2

I am interested in doing the intersection of State and Packard, More specifically Campus Corner, as it's unique shape gives the corner a very interesting aesthetic.  It is an almost triangular building right off campus and its shape is extremely recognizable to people familiar with Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan.
I'm interested in capturing this space because of its unconventional shape (at lease with regards to other buildings in the area) and the fact that this intersection is a hub for both Ann Arbor city traffic and student traffic. This space also changes drastically over the course of the day, as it goes from quiet intersection and building used mostly just for getting to class in the morning, a bustling part of the city in the afternoon, and a major component to nightlife when evening comes.
I wish to take my 30 seconds and try to capture this transition over the course of the day. I plan to shoot longer videos of he space during the times of day when it is less busy, and shoot shorter videos from varying angles and perspectives during the hours that the building has more people and foot traffic near it. I think then I will edit these videos and either go from long, slow sections of time, to very busy parts, and then back down in an arch formation, or go from most congested and shorter videos with a lot of use of the space to long, slow videos, to show the contrast.

Response 2 part 1

These are videos of the places I investigated. I did the law quad and the intersection of State and Packard. I tried rotating the Law Quad Video but it was unsuccessful.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Response 2, Part 2

The place I've selected is the West Engineering Arch.  This arch is composed of  heavy stone and red brick and serves as an entrance to the Diag.  The facade of this arch is rather simple: two stack of geometric bricks, each with rounded edges.  The top consists of a keystone and stone shoulders.  At night, the tunnel is illuminated by an assortment of small lights, while the exterior is illuminated by lamp posts.

I chose this location for many reasons.  I pass through this area frequently as I walk to my classes; I have examined it at many different times of day.  Normally, this arch is very busy- I've even seen vocalists utilizing its stellar acoustics.  It's just as much functional as it is decorative.

With concern to filming, I want to focus on the functionality of the tunnel throughout the day.  I hope to employ exterior shots examining the influx of commuters at various times and on both sides.  Additionally, I hope to provide a first-person point of view by recording the interior as I pass through it.

Response 2

This space is the brick entryway arch that opens up to the center of the Law Quad. The short tunnel contains two wooden doors, one on each side of the two walls and a metal lamp, hanging by a chain from the top of the arch.

I selected this space to film not only because of its beautiful appearance but because of the role it plays within the building that contains it. It serves as the first structure that students experience when they enter the Law Quad and the last when they leave. This area unites the inner sanctum of the Law Quad from the rest of the school and acts as a small opening in the division between the two areas formed by the other buildings that surround the Law Quad.

For shooting this space, I want to employ a number of different shots that revolve around how this area is inhabited as a uniting space and how that role changes throughout the day. I plan to shoot during the morning afternoon and evening on different days to experiment with filming how the space is used throughout the day. Also, in order to emphasize the role that the space plays as an opening between the two connecting areas, I plan to shoot along the surrounding areas the inside and outside of the Law Quad in their relation to the arch in addition to shooting the contents of the arch itself.

El Vato

2. The space I chose to document was the Duderstadt library atrium. The space is unexpectedly grand. The space employs a timeless brick construction both on its exterior and interior. The brick is vast and radiates through the space and compliments numerous modern attributes. For example sharp and crisp study areas and the various technology that inhabits the space. On the contrary the carpeting adds a very dated feel to the space.

3. I chose to film the space because visually it has a lot to offer architecturally. The structure is tall and built primarily with brick. This aesthetic choice conveys a sense of strength and grander, a quite suitable choice for a building in the engineering school. However the ceiling of the space is littered with enormous planes of glass to allow light in the space. The tough texture of the bring in conjunction with the crisp and clean glass facilitates great visual variation. Also I figured a lot of people would want to shoot the Law Quad in all its gothic stone triumph but I felt a better space could be depicted.

4. For filming I plane to employ the use of my 17-55mm lens. This piece of glass is not to be mistaken with the the stock Nikon lens (18-55mm). The extra 1mm in focal length seriously adds a wideness to the shot that most lenses cannot achieve. Such a lens is tailored towards shooting architectural spaces. My plan is to get in the space around 2-3:00PM when the sun is on an angle (assuming the sun will cooperate with me). This will hopefully achieve crisp shadows from the brick, steel beams, and glass. Depending on how much sun and contrast I can achieve i would like the film to be black and white. My goal is to convey not only the texture of the space, but the form/counter form the space creates.  

Response Part #2

I am going to be studying the space on the second floor of Ann Arbor's Michigan Theater - the entrance to the upstairs seating. This gorgeous historic "shrine to art" was designed by Maurice Finkel and opened in 1928.

I selected this particular space due to the aesthetic beauty and charm that it holds. The staircase also caught my eye because I think it would be interesting to see how it accommodates foot traffic as the day progresses.

My plans regarding looking at the space over a period of time are to look at how the space transforms throughout the day. I plan to film once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once at night to create a time-lapse depicting the way the space adapts to the people and lighting throughout the day.

Response 2, Part 2

South State Street. This space is the intersection of South State Street and East Liberty. It is one of the busiest intersections near campus. I have chosen this space because of the many different ways people experience it. There are so many different objects vying for attention on one street corner, there is no way to process all of the visual information.

My plans for the full length video are mostly a series of B-roll type shots focusing on the different materials and signs in the space. I think that this will be one of the most effective ways to convey just how much visual information is present. It will also highlight the nature of the space as an 'un-designed space' as a result of it being a public area. That is to say that all the non-functional aspects of the space (everything but the street and the sidewalk) have not been selected with particular co-hesion in-mind. This aspect South State Street is its principal difference from nearly all areas on campus.

Response 2, Part 1

Part 2

The space that I selected is the entrance of Tower Plaza Condominium. It is the highest building in Ann Arbor, located at 555 East William Street. There are a total of twelve gigantic rectangular concrete pillars at the entrance of the building.

The reasons that I selected this place are because of its simplicity design and those six pairs of concrete pillars. Its repeating vertical forms serve to highlight the size and height of the pillars. They also lead our eyes along the depth toward the end.

I plan to capture the sunlight, shadows and the people flow of this space every three hours. I would like to take a full steady shot of the entrance at different directions to show the viewers how it exactly looks like and the changes of the light. I also want to make several extreme close up shots on the texture of the floor and pillars. To make the video visually interesting, I plan to make it a fast pace video.

This is a bike rack outside of Mason Hall. There are four separate sections for students to put their bikes in between classes or throughout the day.

I selected this space, because it tells a lot about the Michigan student body. First, the rack is very full, which shows that it is Fall in Ann Arbor and the weather is warm enough to ride a bike. The character of this bike rack changes every day as different students park their bikes in different places. This is an interesting space, because it is not a building, but it still has defined area and guidelines that should be followed.

I plan to shoot this bike rack at different times every day. I predict that as the weather gets colder, there will be less bikes on the rack. It will also be interesting to see at what times during the day the rack has the most bikes.

Response 2 - Part1 and 2 "Kerry town Market coutryard"

1) links of the videos ( please see both inside and outside of the courtyard).
-Outside :  
-Inside :

what I selected is the courtyard inside the Kerrytown Market. Especially this space is between Kerry town building which has a sweetwaters and the other building next to it. These two buildings are connected on the second floor through red passage (you can see this red passage in my video). This space I think is made when the architect decided to connect those two buildings and tried to make this small place as a cool courtyard. This space, actually, is my most favorite place in Ann Arbor. I recommend you to go there and feel the European-American-classic atmosphere.

2) I selected this place with two reason. First, as I already mentioned, this place is so cool and literally pretty so that some people even take a wedding picture in here. Also, It is good to study architecture. Previous lecture, we learned about courtyard when we learn positive and negative figure.  I think this space is really representing the negative space and how negative space be made by surroundings, and how it works for people living there.

3) If I am able to do it, ideally, I want to take a 3sec videos per hour in a day in order to represent the whole changes in this space with the flow of the time. At the same time,for composition,  I want to divide the screen with two videos ( inside on the right and outside on the left).  Outside screen will be stay in the same place, but for inside screen I will move the camera a little bit to show details of this space but for the unity of both films, time will be the same.

Response 2

           The space the I selected to shoot my video at is Yost Ice Arena. Built in 19xx, Yost is the home of the Michigan Ice Hockey team. The arena combines new technology with brick features inside, giving it both a futuristic and old feelings. I felt that this contrast presented a something interesting to highlight in my video.
            I selected this space because of its ability to convey a change over time. By filming the video over the course of a whole game, the viewer will be able to see how people interact with the building and event in the building during the game.
            To shoot this video, I want to film shots of the empty stands before the game, warmups, during the game, and after the game. To help these shots flow together and show some sort of “time lapse,” I want to shoot the same scene and camera angle at different points in the game, and by using iMovie video transitions, I will be able to make the clips from two different parts of the game flow together like one shot. By doing this, I believe I will be able to effectively capture the space of Yost Ice Arena and how it changes on gameday.