Tuesday 8 December 2015

Response 4

For this Project, I started out very unsure as to what shape my stool would be. I started to think about structure, and i knew that three legs makes a tool balance the best, so I decided to use a triangle as my main form. from there, I thought about how to give me stool some sort of structure, and aesthetically, I wanted the stool to look as close to one solid form as possible, so I decided to put a skeletal structure in the middle of a triangular prism, with a line perpendicular to one side of the triangle dissecting the object into two right triangles instead of one equilateral triangle. Next, for support I put two pieces of cardboard perpendicular to that previous  cardboard piece that dissected the triangle. This gave the stool added support. 
When I decided to put the top of the box stool on to make a seating surface, I was originally going to cut the extra cardboard that came at each point of the triangle after it's connection to the other face of the stool, but then i decided , since it was uniform on all sides, that I could incorporate it into the overall design. I make the triangle on the top have each point go to the very end of the extra cardboard on each point, which gave the subtractive causality on all sides. I did this because it was a simple design yet I thought it worked well.

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