Monday 28 September 2015

Hello my name is Hayden Robbins and I'm a transfer student from the town of St. Clair Michigan. I took this class because I am interested in eventually going into structural engineering and felt that understanding the culture of architecture could only be beneficial.

I choose room 133 of the Chrysler Center because it is intended to just be a classroom that serves a purpose.
I decided to evaluate this building based on the fact that I want to go to engineering school in the future and was interested in what type of classroom environment that they offered. It is important to recognize all of the simple features of this room. This room is used daily and can hold roughly 80 students. It is broken into 2 columns that run parallel to the front board of the classroom. Each desk is facing the front of the room where the instructor would be standing.
A key feature to this room is the fact that the area where the instructor is standing is elevated compared to the rest of the classroom. This is important in aiding the learning environment because it allows a clear view for the students and doesn't allow other people to get in the way of your learning experience. This classroom was designed to be efficient in my opinion. There is nothing that "stands out" per say, but it is clear that this room can get the job done.
The room is dull yet purposeful. It is 100% lit by artificial light, has a projector, speaker systems to compensate for the length of the room, and a podium with computer hook-ups and accessories. When examining the room, it seems as though it is almost so plain that it is intimidating.They attempted to soften the feel of the room by including carpet and cushioned seats, but everything else about the room indicates a restricted environment. The colors within the room are all grey and white, and all of the materials give the room a "hard" feel to it such as the table `set-up and wall structure.
The learning environment of this classroom seems a bit more harsh than desirable in my opinion. There lacks comfort in this room and I believe that we must feel comfortable in a room in order to get the most out of it. I will add, however, that it has all the necessary tools to provide good information to students and can at least afford them the opportunity to succeed.  

To wrap things up, this room speaks to efficiency rather than that of creativity. It is my understanding that every learning environment can't be super exciting and this room proves that. It is designed to serve a purpose, and not to entertain.

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